Friday, August 17, 2012

The Past 5 Years

Hey y'all! It's been a while :) Update on my life: Thom is 13 months old, (or as Mike insists, "A year and a bit!" He is *very* opposed to counting months after babies turn 1) and starting to walk! It's so exciting to see him when he takes a couple of steps, he gets so proud!

But tonight I'm gonna gush over another important boy... AKA my man. Since tomorrow is our fifth(!) anniversary, I thought I'd mark the occasion by gushing a little. I think I'm entitled.

I know there were a number of people who thought I was nuts for getting married so young, (and some people thought I must have been pregnant and that was the only reason we were getting married. Nice.) but I maintain that Mike and I were absolutely meant for one another. I've known him most of my life, and had a crush on him since I was like 10 years old. A little weird? Maybe. More like "unusual"... But I think it just furthers my argument!

We've been through so much over the course of our relationship and the past five years...

  • I finished school and teacher's college.
  • Mike changed companies, I changed many of my jobs and volunteer opportunities
  • We've seen friends and family married, divorced, have kids, new relationships, some friends have literally moved away, some have moved away in an emotional sense, and many a new friend has been made! (Hi new friends!)
  • We've sadly lost many loved ones
  • We traveled all around Ireland, man that was a good time.
  • We sold our old (new) house and bought a new (old) house
  • We brought a person into the world! And it was exciting and so scary and every day is an adventure.
There's so many other things and more specific things that I can't even recall. But through it all, there's never been a question of our commitment to one another and the strength and support we get from each other. I was raised by a strong, independent woman, to BE a strong, independent woman. Sometimes that makes it difficult to be in a successful relationship, but I have to remind Mike that I'm learning a lot of this stuff first-hand. My examples of how a marriage works were a little limited growing up (if you were one of my examples, then I so appreciate it!) so together we're learning how to be married, and how to be parents and it's exciting and scary but through it all, we stand together.

He's my soulmate, my best friend, my love. Here's to another five years, and another sixty after that!

One of my favourite wedding pictures

 Back when we were first dating! Not much has changed, except glasses and shorter hair :)

Happy anniversary darling! xoxo

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